Yogi Bear Gets A Director

Eric Brevig for 3D film

Yogi Bear Gets A Director

by Helen O'Hara |
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Oh boy oh boy. Yogi Bear is coming to our screens, and he's going to do so in 3-D. And now he has a director to help him make the journey, in the shape of Journey to the Centre of the Earth's Eric Brevig.

For those of you who don't remember (for shame), Yogi Bear lives in Jellystone Park and steals pic-a-nic baskets from visitors to the park in the classic Hanna Barbera cartoon. He is accompanied by Boo Boo, his smaller and smarter friend who gives lie to Yogi's claim that he is "smarter than your average bear". He tends to butt heads with Park Ranger Smith, who becomes irate at Yogi's picnic-stealing ways, apparently oblivious to the fact that most bears would eat the campers instead and he should really be grateful that pic-a-nics are all that is getting chomped.

The film is set to be a mixture of live-action and animation in the way that Alvin and the Chipmunks was, and 3D in the way that Journey to the Centre of the Earth was (Brevig replaces Ash Brannon, who was originally set to direct when it was 2D).

Joshua Sternin and Jeffrey Ventimiglia are writing the screenplay, promising a "new take" on the character. We're not sure what to think about this: on one hand we thoroughly enjoyed the old-fashioned 3D-sploitation of Journey but really didn't enjoy the reinvented Chipmunks, so let's hope it's more the former than the latter.

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