Twilight’s Robert Pattinson Speaks

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Twilight's Robert Pattinson Speaks

by James Dyer |
Published on

It's a phenomenon that Empire still can't comprehend but Twilight star Robert Pattinson is, according to eight-out-of-ten adolescent American girls 'like, the hottest thing ever!". Having read the books, we'll admit to being interested in how the film will turn out but have never had the urge to howl at the top of our lungs and hurl personal garments at the 22-year-old London native, but we're just odd like that.

For all of you who do feel a scream coming on, you might enjoy the interview below, with Pattinson being interviewed by trade mag, Variety. And if that doesn't stoke the fires of your eternal ardour, click here to see our exclusive Twilight photo shoot and video.

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