Not at all a follow-up to the 2010 Ridley Scott epic, The Last Of Robin Hood revolves around Errol Flynn, the famous swashbuckler who played the Nottingham outlaw 70 years before Russell Crowe. Kevin Kline stars as the roguish Flynn, in the story of his relationship with chorus girl Beverley Aadland (Dakota Fanning) and her controlling mother Florence (Susan Sarandon). Following its life on the festival circuit, here's a new trailer.
Flynn, as the trailer makes clear, had spent a decade treating every day as his last when, aged 50, he met the 17-year-old Aadland and began his romantic pursuit. The struggling actress had had tiny roles in Death Of A Salesman and South Pacific and, encouraged by her mother, saw the attention of Flynn as a career opportunity.
The pair worked together on 1959's Cuban Rebel Girls, not quite with the results Aadland hoped for, and were considered to head up Stanley Kubrick's Lolita before it was decided their relationship might garner the wrong sort of publicity. It was moot anyway since, sadly, Cuban Rebel Girls turned out to be Flynn's final film.
Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland (Quinceańera, The Fluffer) are the co-directors, and also wrote the screenplay. The Last Of Robin Hood is out in the States on August 29, but we don't have a date in the UK so far.