Japanese trailers for Hollywood movies tend to use similar footage to the American or British ones, but with a slither of extra something-something to keep die-hard teaser fanciers interested. Team Star Trek Into Darkness have pulled off just that trick, as have the marketing folk over in The Wolverine's camp.
You're going to have to be pretty eagle-eyed to spot the new stuff, but we have faith in you. If you don't have time to whip out your microscope and analyse each frame of it, click on this new** Star Trek Into Darkness** still below to get a better look at John Harrison's (Benedict Cumberbatch) big and bad and rather black Dreadnought-class Federation warship. You can get a better look at it in the HQ international trailer at the end of this story.
Also, how cool does "Star Trek Into Darkness" sound when it's delivered by the Japanese voiceover guy? Just us? OK then.
{Star Trek Into Darkness Character Banners}
Then there's Japanese trailer for** The Wolverine**, which works on a number of levels, if only because the film is called Wolverine: Samurai over there and also because, um, it's set in Japan.
The Wolverine is out on July 26, whereas Star Trek Into Darkness is out on May 9.