Reels of Oz The Great And Powerful are currently being transported by flying monkey all around the country so that you can see Sam Raimi's latest in your local multiplex. The Empire Podcast, meanwhile, uses SoundCloud and it's really much easier.
This week's episode boasts three special guests, namely Tim Roth, Sam Raimi and Zach Braff. Mr. Orange Roth was here to talk Broken, "lunchbox movies" and working with Bette Davis, whereas Messrs. Raimi and Braff rocked up to the Empire Podcast studio to tell us all about that Oz chap everyone's banging on about.
Elsewhere, the team tackle such tricky quandaries as how you solve a problem like Fassavoy - it'll make sense in context, promise - and which books should be adapted into films as soon as possible. All this and more in this week's Empire Podcast...
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