Pixar’s Monsters University Easter Eggs Unveiled

Look out for these in-jokes in the Monster prequel

Pixar's Monsters University Easter Eggs Unveiled

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

Regular Pixar viewers know that certain in-jokey references crop up over and over again in their films. And with **Monsters University **already out in the US and with its UK release approaching on July 12, we've got our hands on the pictures showing this film's Easter eggs.

First up is the most famous: the reference A113. This was the classroom at CalArts where the animation programme was based - and since John Lasseter and Brad Bird, among others, were graduates of the programme, it has become a tradition to reference it in Pixar films (in Brave, it was rendered in Roman numerals). Here, it's the number of the classroom for Scarers at Monsters University.

Next there's a clear look at the bouncy ball from Luxo Jr, Pixar's first Oscar nominee and only their second film. It's scribbled on the wall behind the presenters as they introduce the first event in the "Scare Games".{Monsters University Easter Egg - Luxo Jr}

Finally, and hardest to spot, is the Pizza Planet truck parked in a driveway during a fraternity party. The truck first appeared in Toy Story but has since appeared in (probably*) every Pixar film - there was even a small wood-carved version in Brave.{Monsters University Easter Egg - Pizza Planet Truck}

For everything else in the film, however, you're going to have to go see **Monsters **University on July 12. The film stars John Goodman and Billy Crystal once again, with Don Scanlon directing.

*There's some controversy over whether it appeared in The Incredibles; only blurry screengrabs suggest that it's there, but John Lasseter told this magazine circa Cars that it was in every film, so we're assuming he knows whereof he speaks.

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