New Toy Story 3 Clips Online

Looks like this sequel is darker

New Toy Story 3 Clips Online

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

Be afraid, be very afraid. The new Toy Story 3 clips that have gone online, entitled Gadget and Security Camera, are rather more adult than the usual promo - and the Security Camera one, in particular, may haunt your nightmares. If you're a real scaredy-cat, anyway.

OK, so this is probably not going to challenge for the Most Adult Movie Ever Made title (although the buzz we're hearing is nothing short of stellar, whatever your age), but these are a very different beast from the clips we've seen to date. Check them out for yourself below.

"Security Camera" Clip:

"Gadgets" clip:

Toy Story 3 is out on July 23 in the UK, more than a month after the US release on June 18 - definitive proof against the existence of a benevolent god.

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