In his new comedy-drama, Everything Must Go, Will Ferrell joins the ranks of movie characters to succumb to a spectacular midlife crisis. He's been there before - who can forget Ron Burgundy's epic post-KVWN meltdown? - but here he's not so much trapped in a glass case of emotion as stuck in his front yard with all his earthly belongings and his life in tatters.
Ferrell plays an alcoholic salesman who gets served his papers at work and heads home only to discover that his wife has kicked him out too. Down and desperate, he decides to hold a yard sale of all his possessions and start over. Click here to check out the trailer.
Based on 'Why Don't You Dance?', a short story by the great chronicler of suburban American life, Raymond Carver, Everything Must Go looks like the straightest thing Ferrell's done since Stranger Than Fiction. Joining him for the ride are Michael Peña, Rebecca Hall, Laura Dern and the ever-entertaining Stephen Root.
Everything Must Go is out on October 14.