There's absolutely nothing itsy or bitsy about the next incarnation of Spider-Man. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is promising a bigger, bolder and more bruising spin on the Marvel superhero, freed from the shackles of origin storytelling and, as director Marc Webb told **Empire **at Comic-Con, given free rein to, well, be himself.
But does being himself give him any scope for having an old-fashioned good time or is all teen angst and world-saving? “At the beginning of this movie Peter Parker is having a blast being Spider-Man," explained Webb. "There’s a spirit of fun that we tried to build the foundation of this film on, but he's a little more complicated too...'”
"We loves the origin story we told before, but that was a story about becoming Spider-Man," stressed producer Matthew Tolmach. "This is a movie about *being *Spider-Man."
And what of the villain(s) of the piece? "There's all these little fortune cookies around but the main villain is Electro," said producer Avi Arad, refusing to be drawn on the whole Sinister Six thing. "We're not trying to make a big deal out of all of them, but they all have a reason to be the size they are."
Neither he nor co-producer Matt Tolmach would be drawn too far on the idea of a unique supervillain group working in concert. Instead, Tolmach pointed to small-scale badness - refusing to help a grannie across the road, perhaps, or leaving the milk out? - that would explode into something altogether more lethal in **Spider-Man 3 **and 4. "[Spider-Man] may not have to fight them now; he may have to fight them in a couple of years. It creates a much bigger universe to play in."
**Empire **was also on the spot for an Electro reveal in Hall H on Friday and these were our thoughts on the newest superbad in the Spideyverse. Empire**'s September issue has Electro electrifying the boys and girls on the cover - grab a copy on Thursday! - and Peter Parker himself, Andrew Garfield, sharing some nuggets within. Don't miss it.