We've had breathing covers. We've had holographic covers. We've had lenticular covers (that means all 3D-y when you wiggle it). But now comes an Empire cover so amazing that we had to use a whole extra dimension.
To mark the return of Hollywood's biggest (and greenest) hero, we've created the world's first fully 3D cover with the Incredible Hulk ripping his way out of the issue. Click on the image below for a better look.
Not that he should be trying to escape the issue of course, with all the filmic goodness waiting inside. As well as comprehensive Incredible Hulk coverage, we've got first look set visits to X-Files: I Want To Believe and Quantum of Solace. Plus, we go behind the scenes on Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Sex and The City and Wanted. And that's barely scratching the surface. Frankly, he should be trying to fight his way back in. Pick up your copy on Friday April 25.
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