Green Light For Hell Ride

Tarantino / Bishop biker flick is ON

Green Light For Hell Ride

by empire |
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The long-rumbled, Tarantino-presented biker flick Hell Ride has been kicking about the place for years like a Harley Davidson in pieces out in the back shed. Today though, all that's changed, as it's officially been given the cash to move forward, thanks to Bob Weinstein at Dimension Films.

Director Larry Bishop (who, you may remember, turns up in Kill Bill Vol. 2 as the sleazy owner of a sleazy bar) is over the moon. "When I got on the phone with Bob, I was ready with ten folders of budget breakdowns, all kinds of stuff," said the star of Chrome And Hot Leather and The Day The Lord Got Busted. "Bob gives me a budget and says 'If you can make it for that budget, I'm green-lighting this right now."

The delay seems to have been in Bishop honing the script – he's been working on it for the best part of five years. In that time, there's been a fair share of speculation, mainly that Michael Madsen and Quentin himself were set to co-star with Bishop (who will also be starring as leader of biker group the Victors). There is however, no confirmation on that angle yet, with the Grindhouse co-director's name only being mentioned in a "presents" capacity.

The story follows the traditional plot of the leader rallying his gang to avenge the death of a fallen brother. Let's just hope it can measure up to something the standard of, say, Kill Squad.

And yes, we know Quentin has only a little bit to do with this story, but we're yet to find a suitable photo of Larry Bishop. If Larry's agent is out there and reading this, please feel free to email a good snap over to us.

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