Dennis Quaid, Ben Foster and Cam Gigandet star in Christian Alvart's Pandorum, and there's a new trailer online. For those keeping score at home, this gives us our second Euro-directed sci-fi movie trailer story in as many days (after **Nr Nobody **yesterday).
The film sees Quaid and Foster wake up from cryo-sleep aboard a spaceship with little memory of who they are or what their mission is. They venture into the body of the ship to find out more - and find more than they bargained for.
We suspect that this trailer may be somewhat spoilerific - it seems to show what synopses and previous teasers barely hinted at - but it does look like scary, atmospheric stuff, and gives Quaid in particular a welcome break from playing avuncular types in indie rom-coms or someone's father in a kid's movie. Also, Cam "Gigidy-gigidy" Gigandet of Twilight appears in it, so it should get a considerable teen following - something that already seems to be troubling Gigandet himself.