While pap snaps have struck in the last couple of days, the first official pic of Naomi Watts as Diana, Princess of Wales has now arrived online. Take a look below.

Watts is starring in the film, once called Caught In Flight and now shooting under its much less ponderous title, Diana, which follows the last couple of years in her tragic life.
With Downfall director Oliver Hirschbiegel calling the shots from a script by Stephen Jeffreys, the plot sees Diana starting a relationship with Dr Hasnat Khan (Lost’s Naveen Andrews), but finding that a life lived still in the glare of the media is not as easy as she thought. Still, she manages to enjoy some of the more fulfilling experiences and charity work. “I’m excited and honoured to be playing the role of a truly remarkable woman, who had such a positive and profound impact in so many ways,” says Watts.
The film will shoot around London and other chunks of the UK, while also heading to Croatia and Mozambique.
Douglas Hodge and Juliet Stevenson are also among the cast for the film, which doesn’t yet have a set release date.