DreamWorks Animation's How To Train Your Dragon, adapted from Cressida Cowell's series of novels, tells the story of a Viking village plagued by dragon attacks and the wayward son who befriends one of the beasties. And just to give you a taste of the film here are a few samples of stills and some rather lovely concept art from the film.
These are taken from The Art Of How To Train Your Dragon, from Titan Books. The first two pictures show some of the stages in the development of the dragons and the world of the film. The third and fourth pages give you a glimpse of the biggest dragon of the lot, while the fifth shows the dragon's homeland and the sixth the surroundings of the Viking village.
The voice talent includes Jay Baruchel as misfit lead Hiccup, Gerard Butler as his large, manly father as well as Craig Ferguson and America Ferrara. The Art Of How To Train Your Dragon is out tomorrow; the film comes out on March 31.
From THE ART OF HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON (Titan Books) How To Train Your Dragon TM & (C) 2010 DreamWorks Animation L.L.C. Reprinted by permission