Exclusive: Tom Hiddleston On Thor 2

Thor and Jane's relationship to expand

Exclusive: Tom Hiddleston On Thor 2

by Phil de Semlyen |
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With_**Avengers Assemble_ Hulk-smashing into a cinema near you right now, thoughts are already turning to where the Marvel universe goes next. At least, where it *will *go when all that rubble has been swept up, those cities rebuilt and Bruce Banner's shirt replaced.

We've heard from Kevin Feige about **Iron Man 3, and when **Empire **caught up with Tom Hiddleston at the Avengers Assemble press day, he shed some light on the direction Thor 2 might take.

"It's part of the thrill of the character," Hiddleston explained of his ongoing sibling rivalry with Thor, dropping a firm hint that their relationship still has some distance to travel. "Thor and Loki are defined by each other. Thor's reason for being in The Avengers is that Loki is on Earth and he has to get him back. What'll be interesting in Thor 2 is how it takes what happens now as a springboard. Natalie Portman will be back in as Jane Foster and the relationship between Thor and Jane will be extended, expanded and developed."

A redemption theme may play into Loki's arc, too. "What Chris Hemsworth and I would love", expands Hiddleston, "is to be allowed is to have a moment - maybe not in Thor 2 but at some stage - when Loki is forgiven."


Marvel honcho Feige also joined this week's Empire podcast to chat about the future of the franchise. Click here to hear this thoughts.

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