Exclusive International Trailer For The Drop

Tom Hardy and the late James Gandolfini face a gangster threat

Exclusive International Trailer For The Drop

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

We have a Friday treat for you, with an exclusive poster and international trailer for The Drop, the new film from director Michaël R. Roskam (the Oscar-nominated Bullhead) and screenwriter Dennis Lehane, adapting his own short story Animal Rescue.

brightcove.createExperiences();As you can see, Tom Hardy stars as Bob Saginowski, a quiet man living in a poor part of New York City. He tends bar for his Cousin Marv (James Gandolfini), a bar that also operates as a drop point for illegal merchandise and money. He meets Nadia (Noomi Rapace) when he rescues a beaten dog outside her house, but has bigger problems on his mind after the bar is robbed at gunpoint and Bob finds himself pulled into the investigation of what happened.

Roskam's **Bullhead ** star Matthias Schoenaerts plays the injured dog's owner, Eric, who butts up against Bob when he tries to reclaim the injured animal and John Ortiz rounds out the cast as a police officer investigating the robbery.{The Drop}

The Drop hits UK cinemas on November 14, and on this evidence we're expecting a pretty taut crime thriller. If you want to read the original short story, that's online here.

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