Ericson Core To Direct Murder, Inc.

Thriller about brothers seeking revenge

by Chris Hewitt |
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The wonderfully-named Ericson Core – the only director who sounds like he could power a mobile phone, unless there’s a young up-and-comer called Samsung Charger – has signed on to direct the revenge thriller,** Murder, Inc.**.

We like this for a couple of reasons. One, it seems to have taken its title from a Bruce Springsteen song (and, frankly, we’re surprised that it’s taken this long). And two, it appears to be the sort of solid, faintly ludicrous action thriller that comes along very rarely these days.

Murder, Inc. revolves around two brothers – one an FBI agent, one a jailbird – whose parents were brutally murdered when they were but nippers. When the Fed gets hold of the identity of the dastardly bastard responsible, he – no, wait for it – breaks his brother out of prison, and a-hunting they will go.

Sounds preposterous, like a mix of Next Of Kin, Double Impact, Taken and Prison Break. We love it.

Core, a longtime cinematographer (he shot Daredevil, but he did not shoot The Deputy), made his directing debut with Mark Wahlberg football drama, Invincible, back in 2006.

The script for the movie, which had been entitled American Way, was written by first-timer Brian Kistler. The Film Department and Anonymous Content is stumping up the readies.

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