The Dark Knight Rises has finally arrived in cinemas, and with it a huge number of questions - questions that we here at Empire have attempted to answer here in our special spoiler podcast.
So prepare your Bane impressions and get ready for almost 40 minutes of plot points, plot holes and general Batman-related movie chat with Chris Hewitt, James Dyer, Nick de Semlyen and our resident Bat-expert, Dan Jolin.
And for previous spoiler podcasts, check out this Avengers one (featuring Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige) and this Amazing Spider-Man one (featuring producers Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach), both of which are absolute must-listens.
P.S. Here's the link to our iTunes page, the link to our SoundCloud account and finally our RSS feed, so you can subscribe to the **Empire Podcast **whichever way you like.