Click Premieres In London

With Sandler, Beckinsale and The Hoff!

Click Premieres In London

by empire |
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One of the most heinous inventions of the last fifty years is the remote control. Generations of promising young men and women have slowly morphed into lethargic, bleary-eyed couch-potatoes with barely enough energy to lift their arms and pick up the damned device…That said, remote controls are awesome! Why would you want to get up and do things?! You must be mad. Now imagine a remote that not only controlled the TV, DVD, games console, lights, kettle, door, car etc, but also had the power to control time! No…wait…the power to control….LIFE. That’s a great idea…

What d’ya mean, Adam Sandler’s got one?

Alas, it’s true. In his new comedy caper, Click, which premiered in London tonight, Mr. Angry Face himself stumbles upon a universal remote that has the power to rewind, fast-forward and pause time. Alongside his doting wife Donna (Kate Beckinsale) and his overbearing boss Ammer (David Hasselhoff), Michael (Sandler) eventually discovers the remote has a mind of its own and is now in the driving seat.

With Sandler and Beckinsale making their way through the doors of the Empire cinema almost an hour late, the pair were somewhat rushed: “It’s mayhem out there” said Sandler. “Luckily nobody got hostile. Out of a couple of thousand people, I think only one guy wanted a fight!”. Despite the crazed crowds Beckinsale was extremely keen to enthuse about working with her co-star: “It was fantastic. He’s literally the nicest bloke I’ve ever worked with. I had a great, great time”.

Sandler and Beckinsale. It might be their faces on the poster; it might be their names that sell the movie; but we all know there’s only one true star…the legend himself. Ladies and Gentlemen, Empire presents…The Hoff:

“The reception outside [tonight] is pretty much the same as everywhere else I go. It’s lovely. It seems to happen whether I’m in the movie or not. I’m just glad to go to a film I’m in! And you know, the fans here are really different in a way. They go from four years-old to eighty years-old. Eighty! Little old ladies say ‘I love you David Hasselhoff’. One lady came to see me in Chicago twenty-six times. Every time I went to the Adelphi [theatre] she was outside the door. I thought she was homeless. She said ‘I just love you’. So we actually put her on television in America! [The Hoff giggles like a child and begins to talk about his singing career.] “I did a duet once with a girl named Marilyn Martin. She’s actually selling Real Estate now! [child giggle]. I had a bit of a crush on her, so I called her and asked her to come to LA and sing. So, she emailed me the song. That was disgusting!! I didn’t even get a chance to see it!! So, this frikkin’ thing comes in the email. So I did a duet with an email…you know, instead of her…”

Two Stars, one Hoff. Click!

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