The Other Boleyn Girl Poster

It's educational. And sexy!

The Other Boleyn Girl Poster

by Olly Richards |
Published on

You remember history lessons at school, particularly the ones relating to the Tudor era? They were boring, right? All about that fat ginger man who kept chopping heads off women like some hirsute version of the queen of hearts. What they were not was sexy and pouty and excessively bosomy.

The Other Boleyn Girl, judging by the poster that's you can see below, is looking to correct that. And by 'correct' we mean 'lift and separate'.

The film reveals the little known story that there were two Boleyn sisters competing for the love of Henry VIII (Eric Bana). Natalie Portman is Anne, the elder sister who won his hand and lost her head, and Scarlett Johansson is Mary, the younger, poutier sister. The genes in those siblings really don't match up, but we're going to allow it.

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