Empire Podcast Special: Ridley Scott

Uncle Rid drops into our orbit for a career chat

Ridley Scott

by Phil de Semlyen |
Published on
Ridley Scott

It's not every week the Empire Podcast booth welcomes a knight of the realm. Sir Ridley Scott isn't one to stand on ceremony though, so all that silver-polishing and red-carpet-rolling was probably unnecessary. At 77, he's stil a man of action, happier getting out on location than cooped up in a soundstage and not content to rest on his substantial laurels.

To the likes of The Duellists, Alien, Blade Runner, Thelma & Louise and Gladiator, he's now adding one of his finest films of recent years, The Martian. On a very special podcast Special, he chatted about a wide range of topics, from his love of The Martian's humour to his finest big-screen moments to those projects that got away. NB Dino is Dino De Laurentiis, not Dino from The Flintstones.

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