Episodes viewed: 1 Succession is, by its nature, a negative show. This is a...
Episodes viewed: 2 "Feels like the end, almost" says Tulip during a quite...
Although it may be a difficult sell to audiences not already familiar with the...
Summer has come to Stranger Things. After two seasons of dark nights, gloomy...
Season 1 of German drama Dark started out as a compelling but fairly...
Twenty years after he left ER, George Clooney is having a riot of a time:...
Episodes viewed: 1-8 In a year that has already seen multiple pop culture...
if you’re new to Netflix’s revival of Tales Of The City – and the messy,...
“All bleeding stops eventually,” says Doc Cochran (Brad Dourif) during David...
Beware! The night is dark and full of terrors, and this review will have...
Beware! The night is dark and full of terrors, and this review will have...
Beware! The night is dark and full of terrors, and this review will have...
Beware! The night is dark and full of terrors, and this review will have...
Beware! The night is dark and full of terrors, and this review will have...
Beware! The night is dark and full of terrors, and this review will have...
Be warned! This review will cover aspects of the episode. Spoilers will lurk...
Episodes viewed: 1-2 After the surefire hit-turned-last episode disappointment...
Joe Wright’s Hanna (2011) was an action movie with virtually no interest in...
Be warned! This review will cover aspects of the episode. Spoilers will lurk...
Be warned! This review will cover aspects of the episode. Spoilers will lurk...
Be warned! This review will cover aspects of the episode. Spoilers will lurk...
If you’ve ever wondered what a Gregg Araki TV series would be like, the answer...
Episodes viewed: 1-2 After the first season of American Gods concluded, the...
After Life has some of the flavours of everything Ricky Gervais has ever done,...
Be warned! This review will cover aspects of the episode. Spoilers will lurk...
This Time is partly a super-accurate aping of the freewheeling live TV...
The cast of this mega-budget dusk-to-dawn street-race drama is starry and...
Be warned! This review will cover aspects of the episode. Spoilers will lurk...
Be warned! This review will cover aspects of the episode. Spoilers will lurk...