Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Season 2 First Look Confirms Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen Is Coming

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man S2

by Jordan King |
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SPOILER ALERT: This article contains references to the Season 1 finale of Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man.

For those of you who've been keeping up with Marvel Animation's fresh new take on the Spidey canon, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, you may recall that when Hudson Thames' Peter Parker first got his powers back in the series premiere, the irradiated spider that bit him escaped in the aftermath by hopping onto the backpack of a mystery Midtown High pupil. Now, thanks to an Instagram post from showrunner Jeff Trammell following today's spectacular season finale, the identity of said student might not be quite such a mystery any more. Yes folks, Spider-Gwen — aka Peter Parker's first love, Gwen Stacy — is swinging into the Neighbourhood for Season 2. And you can get a first look at Trammell's take on the fan-favourite character below;

"The Neighborhood just got a little more Friendly," teased Trammell in his post, "See you next season!" And in the accompanying character art, we see a blonde-haired, Alice band and boots wearing, distinctly Steve Ditko style Gwen Stacy alongside a second image showing off her web-slinging alter-ego Spider-Gwen. Rocking high-laced blue boots and a punky hooded jacket, Trammell's is a visually distinct take on Spider-Gwen, and one made even more intriguing by what she seems to be tossing. By the looks of it, that's one of Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs. Given the state of play between Colman Domingo's Norman Osborn and Peter Parker/Spidey by the end of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man's season finale, could it be that Spider-Gwen will be Oscorp's next on-call Spider-Person? And given Gwen Stacy and Green Goblin's, er, complicated comic book history, what could a potential alliance between them mean for this universe's Spidey? Based on the ways the show has subverted expectations and reimagined our heroes — and villains — thus far, anything is possible.

While the introduction of another Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen may give some fans cause for trepidation, coming as it does hot on the heels of Hailee Steinfeld's beloved take on the character in the Spider-Verse movies, the first season of Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man has more than done enough to convince us Trammell has got the juice to do Pete and Gwen's relationship justice. And no matter how this all shakes out, at least we can be reasonably sure that this show won't bump Gwen Stacy off, bury her, leave her be for decades, and then haphazardly resurrect her as Gwenpool. eh? What an absurd idea! [Glances over at Marvel Comics.]

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