Stranger Things 4’s Epic Trailer Brings War – And New Monsters – To Hawkins

Stranger Things 4

by Ben Travis |
Updated on

In case you didn’t get the memo, Netflix is going big with Stranger Things 4. The much-loved ‘80s-homaging sci-fi adventure series is getting ready to debut its hugest season yet – one so massive, it’s been split into two parts, reportedly twice the length of any previous season. Not only that, but with its characters no longer all living in Hawkins, Indiana, it’ll be a more expansive season narratively. And then there’s the fact that this new trailer looks…well, absolutely gigantic. This is summer blockbuster TV – and there are major new monsters, lots of new locations, and the promise of a supernatural war on the way. Take a look here.

They weren’t kidding about the scale of this season, were they? There’s plenty of new stuff here – most notably, that ghoulish creature seen at the end of the trailer. Stranger Things has always had one foot in the horror genre with a real Stephen King influence, but this might be even scariest than previous seasons. Who is this zombified demon creature? Could it possibly be a character we’ve previously met, gone evil? Or the Stranger Things equivalent of the Night King? Not only that, but there are beastly bat-creatures, a return to the Upside Down, more Demogorgon demolition, and the creepy new Creel House which all look set to send shivers up spines.

There’s plenty of character stuff here too. Poor old Max (Sadie Sink) lost her brother Billy (Dacre Montgomery) in the last season after he sacrificed himself, and is dealing with her grief – and later seems to have gained floaty powers of her own. Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) and the Byers family have moved out of Hawkins. The rest of the kids, including Mike (Finn Wolfhard) are moving up to Hawkins High School. And meanwhile, Hopper (David Harbour) is held captive in Kamchatka, Russia, which doesn’t look like an easy ride. As if all that wasn't enough, it also looks like we're getting some significant flashback sequences too, featuring a de-aged Millie Bobby Brown. If it’s going to be a more sprawling two-parter season, this trailer promises a hair-metal, finger-tapping, red-lightning-flashing romp with all the retro spectacle Stranger Things has been known for – this time, turned up to 11.

Stranger Things: Season 4 Vol. 1 comes to Netflix on 27 May, with Vol. 2 to follow on 1 July. Then, it’ll be time to prepare for the fifth and final season

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