Silo Season 2: Rebecca Ferguson Explores The Surface World In First Look Images

Silo S2

by Jordan King |
Updated on

One of the best TV shows of 2023, Apple TV+’s dystopian sci-fi thriller Silo has it all. Murder! Mystery! Rebecca Ferguson! A mile-deep subterranean structure that acts as a barrier betweeen humanity’s dwindling populace and the apocalyptic wasteland on the Earth’s surface! In fact, so popular proved the adaptation of Hugh Howey’s novels that before the first season had even finished, the streamer greenlit Season 2. Now, having teased “more secrets of the silo to be revealed,” Apple have shared some juicy first look images from our upcoming return to the down deep. Check them out:

At the end of Silo’s first season – SPOILER ALERT! – we saw engineer-turned-marshal Juliette (Ferguson) finally leaving the titular superstructure and stepping out onto the surface world. There, she discovered that the verdant utopia she suspected The Founders were hiding from the Silo’s residents was in fact a VR simulation; that the surface world really has become a toxic wasteland. In these first stills from the show’s second series, it looks like we’ll be spending a lot more time on the surface with Juliette as she reckons with her discovery, the ramifications of the rebellion she instigated in Season 1, and the revelation that there are – gasp! – more silos out there. And what’s more, we’ll be getting more of Tim Robbins’ Head of IT Bernard Holland and Common’s Judicial Head of Security Robert Sims in the down deep too, where yet more of the show’s many secrets are doubtless buried.

With Silo’s first season having scarcely covered half of Wool, the first book in Howey’s sci-fi trilogy, there’s plenty of scope yet for the series to run and run, especially given the time jumps involved in both Shift and Dust. And whilst we don’t know when we’ll be headed back to the down deep just yet, or who may be joining the cast alongside Ferguson and co, rest assured we’ll share every grain of information here as soon as it’s announced. Between this and our recent first look at The Last Of Us Season 2, we're ready for more apocalypse, now!

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