Pilot TV Podcast #162: Cowboy Bebop, The Lost Symbol, And Crime. With Guests Dougray Scott & Irvine Welsh

Cowboy Bebop, The Lost Symbol, Crime

by James Dyer |
Updated on

Dougray Scott and Irvine Welsh drop by the show this week to talk about their new thriller, Crime, on Britbox (37:51-54:31), plus we get our Dan Brown on with The Lost Symbol on Sky and put our anime knowledge to the test (ably assisted by Anime-doctorate-holder Beth K Webb) with Netflix's live action adaptation of Cowboy Bebop.

Plus we look at which cancelled shows we still recommend people watch, the prevalence of Brit crime thrillers, the veracity (or not) of Squid Game's return, and how James managed to navigate 24 hours in the North of England (spoiler: not that well).


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