Marvel's animated Disney+ series What If…? has presented spins on current MCU versions of comic book heroes, but now Season 2 plans to introduce a brand new one. Positing the idea that the Tesseract could have fallen to Earth in the sovereign Haudenosaunee Confederacy before the colonization of America. And led to the creation of brand new hero Kahhori, a young Mohawk woman who goes on a quest to discover her power.
Written by Ryan Little, the episode was created in close collaboration with members of the Mohawk Nation like historian Doug George and Mohawk language expert Cecelia King to ensure cultural authenticity. The episode takes place in the Mohawk language and is informed by the history of the Akwesasne region in what is now upstate New York.

According to George, "It tells a remarkable story from a Native-Mohawk perspective which is truly unique and historical, and will give the viewers a new, challenging and entertaining perspective on this land's first peoples. The story is dramatic, the characters fully realized, and the action sequences are breathtaking. The episode is exceptional in another sense – it is done with the complete cooperation of the Mohawk people from dialogue to adornment."
There's no word yet on who is voicing Kahhori, or when the episode will arrive, but it's something to look forward to.