Kevin Hart and Wesley Snipes sharing the screen? It's certainly a compelling reason to watch something, and True Story offers them paired in a story of celebrity, crime and chaos. Check out the trailer for the Netflix show...
With Narcos' Eric Newman running the show, the drama finds Hart as Kid, one of the world's most famous comedians (art imitating life). A tour stop in his hometown of Philadelphia becomes a matter of life and death when the consequences of a lost evening with his wayward older brother (Carlton, played by Snipes) threaten to destroy everything he’s built.
Tawny Newsome, Will Catlett, Paul Adelstein, Theo Rossi, Ash Santos, John Ales, Chris Diamantopoulos, Lauren London and former Empire columnist Billy Zane are all in the cast, with Watchmen's Stephen Williams directing the first three episodes and Star Trek: Picard's Hanelle Culpepper on deck for the other four.
True Story lands on Netflix on 24 November.