House Of The Dragon Trailer Teases The Carnage To Come In Season 2 After Shocking Premiere

House Of The Dragon – Season 2

by Ben Travis |
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Blimey. If you’ve seen the House Of The Dragon Season 2 premiere, you’ll know that the Game Of Thrones spin-off really isn’t messing around. One episode in, and the bodycount is already being upped, the personal betrayals cutting all the deeper, and the war for the throne kicking into overdrive – are you rooting for Team Black (aka Rhaenyra Targaryen), or Team Green (aka Alicent Hightower)? Come on, surely we’re all on Rhaenyra’s side here – though, after that ultra-dark season premiere, it seems that both parties will end up with serious blood on their hands as the Dance Of The Dragons continues. In the wake of that shocking murder (who, we won’t say), here’s a look at what’s still to come this season on House Of The Dragon in an all-new trailer:

By the looks of things, the fire and blood just keeps coming – with King Aegon wanting vengeance, Otto Hightower facing up to a monarch who won’t listen to him, Rhaenyra having stern words with Daemon after his latest misguided murder ploy, and a rush to claim the all-important Riverlands as war spreads across Westeros. Sure, each side has dragons – but as Aemond Targaryen points out, the war won’t be won by dragons alone, and gathering human armies will be the name of the game. Rhaenyra and Alicent had better buckle up.

Stay tuned for more dragons, more houses (were those Lannister soldiers we saw there?), and much more murder as House Of The Dragon Season 2 continues to unfold – all while Ryan Condal and George RR Martin plot a fresh batch of bloodshed for the recently-confirmed Season 3. It's good to be back in Westeros.

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