Netflix has already mined the Sherlock Holmes world for Enola Holmes, and the streaming service is dipping back into that well (and looking to avoid the Arthur Conan Doyle estate's wrath this time) for new dark drama The Irregulars. See the first teaser...
Focusing on minor characters from the detective's stories, The Irregulars follows a gang of troubled street teens who are manipulated into solving crimes for the sinister Doctor Watson (Royce Pierreson) and his mysterious business partner, the elusive Sherlock Holmes (Henry Lloyd-Hughes). As the crimes take on a horrifying supernatural edge and a dark power emerges, must come together to defeat larger than life forces.
The series stars Thaddea Graham as Bea; Darci Shaw as Jessie; Jojo Macari as Billy; Mckell David as Spike and Harrison Osterfield as Leopold; and Clarke Peters as The Linen Man. Written and executive produced by Tom Bidwell, The Irregulars will land on Netflix on 26 March.