There’s just something about anime that creates a bond with the audience. Could it be the intelligent narratives and heartrending relationships? Or possibly the stunning art work, relatable characters and thoroughly messed-up villains?
Maybe it's all of the above mixed and wound together (plus mechs, kaiju and a little violence)? Whatever the reason, the spirit of anime can be captured and made palpable in action figure form – who would've thought it.
Here are nine of the best.
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Anime Action Figures

Astro Boy Action Figure
Astro Boy, the one and only Mighty Atom. A true icon of the old-school who has been impressing and moving Eastern and Western audiences since the 1960s. Without the OG that is Astro Boy, the world of anime would be a very different place.Get Astro Boy on DVD.

Bandai S. H. Figuarts Spike Spiegel "Cowboy Bebop
Spike might not know how to mop (no wonder Electra clocked him), but he knows how to pull off a suit. Get Cowboy Bebop - Complete Collection on Blu-ray.

G.E.M. Series Pokemon Ash Ketchum & Pikachu & Charmander Complete Scale Figure
Pokémon is a gateway anime, and Ketchum is the original pusher. He may also be the reason so many 90's kids thought it was cool to wear a cap backwards. Get Pokémon: Indigo League on Blu-ray.

Bandai Hobby RG 1/144 #20 Wing Gundam Ver EW Gundam Wing Action Figure
Gundam and Gunpla (Gundam plastic models) are the kings of Japanese merchandising – and for good reason. Just one look at Wing Gundam is enough to tell – Bandai have gone all out.Get Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz on Blu-ray.

Dragon Ball Z Son Gohan Super Saiyan 2 Version Figure-rise Standard Model Kit
Gohan isn't one to look for a fight, so when he's gone Super Saiyan something heavy is about to go down. Get Dragon Ball Z on Blu-ray.

Bandai Hobby Evangelion You Are Not Alone Model Evangelion-01 Test Type Fully Articulated Action Figure
If the sight of an Eva doesn't make you giddy, then somethings up. This model even comes with an AT field, so when everyone's out you can get it down, remodel an Angel field break and scream your heart out. Get Evangelion: You Are Not Alone on Blu-ray.

Akira Tetsuo
Akira. Beautiful, iconic and unsettling. Even for an inhabitant of Neo-Tokyo, Tetsuo has far from a normal time of it.Get Akira on Blu-ray.

Kaonashi No-Face Action Figure Spirited Away Statue 7cm
No-Face taking care of Boh – and of course, if you've got Boh then Yubaba's Bird isn't far away. Get Spirited Away on Blu-ray.

Max Factory Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex: Motoko Kusanagi Figma Figure
In Stand Alone Complex, audiences are treated to more time with everyone's favourite cybernetic law-enforcer, the Major. And it confirmed what everyone always knew to be true: she's an incredible character and fierce badass. Get Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Complete Series Collection on Blu-ray.
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