Virtual reality is here, and with it, the future of gaming. The concept of VR in gaming is something that has historically been scoffed at and celebrated in equal measure. The thought of being fully submerged in a game’s environment is a dream for gamers, but as a naturally sceptical bunch we’ve also been acutely aware of the tech’s limitations. As the power of consoles and televisions have increased, VR’s undeveloped graphical capabilities made it seem as if the technology was being left to flounder in the wake of bigger and better things.
As it turns out, the sceptics were wrong, and dedicated gaming VR headsets like the PlayStation VR hit the shelves. After an initial flurry of gimmicky launch games, the PS4’s answer to virtual reality is showing everyone the future of gaming. How? By not only making beautiful games, but great games in terms of gameplay, narrative and relevancy. The PS VR catalogue is now loaded with quality and choice. There are games with that triple-A glint right through to quirky indie-esque charmers, offering everything from high-octane action to hilarious meta puzzlers.
Below, you’ll see we’ve picked a few of the best PS4 VR games to help you find your next immersive experience. Don’t forget to add a gaming headset into the mix to help you break down the barrier of reality, just make sure it fits when you’re wearing your VR headset. (If in doubt, Sony’s Gold Wireless Headset is designed to integrate with the PS VR system.)
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Best PS4 VR games

Superhot VR
The world of Superhot VR is one where the player versus far, far too many bad dudes, time is controlled by their movements, and victory can only be attained through the careful application of strategy and flailing. Despite Superhot VR looking exactly like we all feared VR would look, it's probably the best FPS game available for it.

Astro Bot Rescue Mission
What makes a great VR game? The game being great. Enter, Astro Bot Rescue Mission, an innocently skinned, charming platformer that will enthral anyone who makes the choice to don a VR headset. Though the proposition of a VR platformer seems redundant, even contradictory, the 360-degree worlds allow the platform genre to be fully realised. This game is up there with Nintendo's Mario 64 as a genre-defining revolution leader whose influence will be felt for years to come.

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, £13.94
The immersion offered by VR makes what is already a terrifying game even more so. Though it's not for the faint of heart, Resident Evil 7 is one of the best games available for the PS4 – not just the PS VR. It's a stunningly rendered survival-horror game which breaks with the series' conventional third-person perspective to deliver an exhilarating first-person experience. It offers a long 15-hour plus gameplay duration, and the player will feel every minute as they try and keep a cool head. Just be aware, it's really, really scary.

Moss is game that'll enchant players, stealing their hearts and treating them to a whimsical story which wouldn't seem out of place in a collection of fairy tales. The game invites the player in, having their presence felt by characters as the story of Quill unfolds. The gameplay itself is near-flawless, and switches between first and third-person perspectives to deliver a truly stunning video game. No "best-of" list is complete without it.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR
The Elder Scrolls V is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Bethesda have reconfigured their RPG masterpiece for VR, offering player to tread the path to Solitude once again. Skyrim has always felt like a massive game, but a true sense of scale is imbued with the addition of VR. If for some bizarre reason, which at this point can be nothing other than pure stubbornness, you still find yourself unconvinced by VR, just pace your way across Skyrim's tundra, hear a fearsome roar and turn to meet a dragon, head on – your mind will change, quickly.

Gran Turismo: Sport
PS4's best racing simulator just got even more simulator-y. GT Sport was already pleasing petrol-heads the world over, and now they've added VR into the mix to create a game that no gamer should miss. The player is placed into the driving seat of any number of high-spec vehicles and hits the track. Dashboard, HUD, wing mirrors and rear-view mirror are all there – the player is in the car and the world around them is beautiful. With a controller it's great, but with a racing wheel and pedals, we're talking some next level stuff.

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-Ality
It's time to prod the Plumbus and take control of Clone Morty to complete tasks for Rick in dimension C-137 – and that's pretty much it. But in true Rick and Morty style, the mundane soon gives way to something much stranger. Written and voiced by the familiar crew, the game hits the right tone and the laughs come think and fast. The game takes full advantage of all the VR tropes and while, much like the TV series, Virtual Rick-Ality is over quickly it's worth revisiting time and time again.

Tetris Effect
Tetris has always had a hypno-psychedelic vibe about it, and Tetris Effect has taken this and amplified it to hitherto unknown levels. The basic gameplay is the same, but through the use of VR, the player is transported to a new realm of shimmering wonder. This is an experience not to be missed.

Batman: Arkham VR
You're Batman. If that isn't enough of a sell, the Batman: Arkham VR allows you to get up close and personal with Gotham's most-wanted, including Penguin, Killer Croc, and most unsettling of all, Joker. For the sake of the player's living room, the gameplay isn't based on combat but puzzle-based challenges which can be overcome with a tactical combination of a batarang, grapple gun, forensic scanner and sharp wit.

Blood & Truth
Playing Blood & Truth is like living through an action flick. The player is dropped into the criminal world of London, and is taken on a journey of gunfire, explosion and high-octane chases. If you're using the Move controllers, you'll be reloading with two hands and throwing grenades with overhand precision. It's a blood-pumping thrill ride, and a true testament to the power of VR.

Trover Saves the Universe
The player's dogs have been stolen and are being kept in a massive bird's eye sockets, and for some reason this is a threat to the universe. Trover, a surreal chap with faces for eyes, is annoyed that he has to help you. It's a weird game, but it's certainly one of most hilarious things we've ever played. Written by Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland, Trover Saves the Universe is like a fever dream you never want to wake up from.

Farpoint is a sci-fi shooter, through and through, and in that sense is unremarkable. Yet, with the addition of the PS VR Aim controller and the intuitive and realistic gunplay design, this game becomes a thrilling FPS which'll have the player moving and thinking like a true space-bound GI.
If you haven’t got yourself a PlayStation VR kit yet, it’s time to right that wrong:
PS VR Bundles

PlayStation VR Starter, £219.99
PlayStation VR Starter Pack (PS4). The basic ticket you'll need to get yourself into the virtual

PlayStation VR Mega Pack, £252.96
The Mega Pack is a great kit, with the VR equipment coming bundled with five great VR games, three of which are included in our "best of" list: Skyrim, Astro Bot and Resident Evil 7.

PlayStation Move, £91.61
The Move controllers aren't needed for all games, and most Move compatible games you can still play with a controller, but the extra sense of immersion offered by their use makes them a worthy investment.
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