Headed our way next month, Steven Spielberg's latest, Ready Player One has already released a couple of trailers filled with pop cultural easter eggs. The latest continues that tradition, while keying us into the central fight in the movie. Check it out...
Ready Player One, set in a run-down future, follows teenager Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan), who likes to escape his dreary, dangerous real world by logging into Oasis, a globally networked virtual utopia where users lead idyllic alternate lives. When the game's eccentric, Steve Jobs-style billionaire creator dies (Mark Rylance's James Halliday), he offers up his fortune as the prize in an elaborate treasure hunt.
Wade is pitted against powerful corporate foes and ruthless competitors who will do anything, in the Oasis and the real world, to reach the riches first. Olivia Cooke is Sam, a Canadian blogger who goes by the handle Art3mis in Oasis and ends up joining forces with Wade, while Ben Mendelsohn is nefarious corporate type Nolan Sorrento.
The film is out on 30 March.
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