Some say Mexican-American singer-songwriter Sixto Rodriguez could have been as big as Dylan, yet his first album bombed on release in 1970s America and he was dropped by his label. But unbeknown to the near-penniless Detroit artist he was a sensation in South Africa, where people grooved to his folk tunes and chanted his anti-establishment lyrics. This is the quest of two South Africans to find their hero, following clues in song lyrics and launching campaigns to discover the fate of the man said to have killed himself on stage. The journey’s a blast — and the story isn’t over yet. A must for music fans.
Searching for Sugar Man Review

Searching for Sugar Man follows two South Africans in their quest to uncover the truth behind the myth-ridden life of their folk hero, Sixto Rodriguez - a singer-songwriter who some believe could have been a rival to Dylan.
Release Date:
26 Jul 2012
Running Time:
86 minutes
Original Title:
Searching for Sugar Man
Music fans will love this indie documentary. Try to avoid Googling him before you watch, though.
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