Sample People Review

Sample People
A confused tale of young people doing drugs and sex in the seedy underbelly of Sydney.

by William Thomas |
Published on
Release Date:

01 Jan 2000

Running Time:

97 minutes



Original Title:

Sample People

Pitched as the 'Australian Pulp Fiction', this almost inevitably isn't. Where Tarantino's movie revelled in the joys of dialogue and had a healthy sense of humour about its own intentions, 'Sample People' is an exercise in self-conscious pretension.

A confused tale of young people doing drugs and sex in the seedy underbelly of Sydney, first-time writer-director Clinton Smith's film is visually attractive, but fails to deliver in terms of plot and character development and the result is plain boring.

Kylie Minogue is cited as the star, but fans beware - while she's certainly in it, her total screen time cannot be more than ten minutes.

Boring and confused. An Australian Pulp Fiction it ain't.
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