Entertaining, poignant and ridiculously catchy, this tells the story of the band of session musicians whose genius lit up history’s greatest pop music: Sinatra, Elvis, The Beach Boys — they did them all. Guitarist Tommy Tedesco (his son directed the film) is the court jester, drummer Hal Blaine talks movingly about working as a security guard when the gigs dried up, but best of all is bassist Carol Kaye who proudly boasts she used to make more money than the US President. It won’t win awards for innovation, but like 20 Feet From Stardom, a compelling story about music’s unsung heroes.
The Wrecking Crew Review

The Wrecking Crew were a group of session musicians who worked with all the greats (Sinatra, Elvis, The Beach Boys) and yet remain largely unknown.
Release Date:
26 Jun 2015
Running Time:
101 minutes
Original Title:
Wrecking Crew, The
An entertaining and compelling story about music's unsung heroes.
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