Hard-partying con artists risk their lives in this gritty urban Britflick that tags on a worthy but heavy-handed moral message. Davina (Anna Nightingale) and her gal pals seduce rich City boys then bring in the guys to rob them, perplexingly never getting caught. When Davina’s clean-living cousin Tia (Ashley Madekwe) comes to stay, her friendship with Tyson (Ashley Chin) puts their merry band of thieves at risk. It’s a fun set-up with a few involving scenes, but the attempt to blend thriller with conscience-pricking drama doesn’t work due to shaky editing, dialogue and direction, suffering next to the likes of Ben Drew’s Ill Manors.
Victim Review

New to London, student Tia (Madekwe) moves in with her tough cousin Charmaine (Warren-Markland). Tia soon discovers that Charmaine's glam lifestyle masks a criminal honeytrap scheme she's helping to run with her friend Tyson (Chin) and his crew.
Release Date:
22 Jun 2012
Running Time:
98 minutes
Original Title:
The sketchy direction and uneven plot leaves this running on convincing urban grittiness and plenty of energy.
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