Exploring how little we know about those closest to us and the ease with which relationships fall apart, Joanna Hogg’s debut feels like a cross between Eric Rohmer and Mary Wesley. Arriving at friend Mary Roscoe’s Siennese villa, middle-aged Kathryn Worth avoids talking with her fellow ‘olds’ about her crumbling affair back home by hanging out with her hosts’ teen son (Hiddleston), who finds her insouciant attempts to bridge the age gap an amusing distraction from the spats with his father (Rintoul). Hogg stages some scenes with a sure sense of composition and dramatic tension but too often the film feels self-conscious and ponderous.
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A woman escaping an unhappy marriage takes refuge with a friend's family on holiday, where events force her to confront the reality of never having her own children.
Release Date:
19 Sep 2008
Running Time:
100 minutes
Original Title:
Hogg stages some scenes with a sure sense of composition and dramatic tension but too often the film feels self-conscious and ponderous.
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