Moaning about convoluted plot lines in a Joel Schumacher film is a bit like going to see a Michael Bay movie and being dismayed the moment he blows up a building. Still, it’s hard to stomach this tepid drama about a diamond dealer (Nicolas Cage) and his family undergoing a home invasion by crooks who think they have the inside track on his safe full of riches. As Cage’s wife, Nicole Kidman stays moist-eyed throughout, while Cage earns credit for delivering lines like, “Your filthy lust invited them in!” while keeping a straight face. Needless to say, no-one is who they seem, and the dénouement is quite improbable. In fact, you’ll struggle hard not to cheer as the Miller home goes up in flames.
Trespass Review

Slick business Kyle Miller (Cage) lives with his wife (Kidman) and teenage daughter in a mansion. Alls not well in the family, though, and the sudden arrival of a gang of housebreakers led by Elias (Mendelsohn) challenges them to work together to survive
Release Date:
11 Nov 2011
Running Time:
91 minutes
Original Title:
Cloth-eared dialogue saps the tension, while the plot twists with the likelihood of a Brett Ratner rehearsal session. Leave your disbelief at the door.
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