This New York sex addict drama stars Mark Ruffalo as Adam, five years abstinent and contemplating a relationship with fitness freak Phoebe (Gwyneth Paltrow). There’s palpable chemistry as their romance develops; meanwhile Adam’s support group chums (Josh Gad, Tim Robbins, Pink) have their own issues. Performances are strong — Pink impresses in her debut and a couple of terrific scenes delve into the psycho-sexual darkness. But these are largely sidestepped for cute one-liners, group hugs and not nearly as much sex as you might imagine. An enjoyable, if slightly over-earnest pat on the back for recovering addicts.
Thanks For Sharing Review

Recovering sex addict Adam (Ruffalo) is five years abstinent, a celibate life he's considering abandoning to get together with fitness fanatic Phoebe (Paltrow).
Release Date:
04 Oct 2013
Running Time:
112 minutes
Original Title:
Thanks For Sharing
The Kids Are All Right writer Stuart Blumberg's first directorial effort is a frothy affair with typically strong turns from Ruffalo and Paltrow.
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