During a city-wide crisis, a disparate group including Charlie (writer-producer Noel Clarke) and his estranged girlfriend (Antonia Campbell-Hughes), several friends (Colin O’Donoghue, Laura Haddock) and a mad hermit (Ned Dennehy) are trapped in a London storage facility which is invaded by a tentacle-claw-finger-faced monster. This is a knows-its-place B picture which manages decent suspense and horror. It has to get past needless relationship chat at the start, but the monster-dodging is compelling, the creature design is good and there are a couple of in-your-face jumps.
Storage 24 Review
A mysterious military cargo plane crashes near a London storage warehouse, releasing a strange entity from its container unit. Meanwhile, Charlie (Clarke), freshly dumped and moping, heads to the lock-up where ex Shelley's (Campbell-Hughes) belongings are stored to win her back. Neither they, nor their friends, know what they're locked in with...
Release Date:
29 Jun 2012
Running Time:
86 minutes
Original Title:
Storage 24
One or two serious scares and some excellent creature design work make this a superior British horror sci-fi.
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