Step Up 2 The Streets Review

Step Up 2 The Streets
Two worlds collide when talented street dancer Andie (Briana Evigan) enrols in a posh arts school.

by Anna Smith |
Published on
Release Date:

21 Mar 2008

Running Time:

98 minutes



Original Title:

Step Up 2 The Streets

Channing Tatum was the best thing about teen dance film Step Up, and his brief appearance in this sequel only serves to highlight his successors’ lack of charisma.

Briana Evigan is Andie, a street dancer compelled to attend a posh arts school, where she meets privileged Chase (Hoffman). Chase totally digs street dancing, so no prizes for guessing where this is heading.

Still, the dance moves should attract fans of the first film back, and there are a few attempts at intentional humour this time, with Adam G. Sevani stand-out as the geeky mate, Moose. Mostly, though, the laughs come from the lazy dialogue and an ultra-predictable plot.

It suffers from a real lack of charisma, still the dance bits are good.

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