Following in the steps, flips and spins of StreetDance and its sequel, All Stars takes amiable aim at the tweenage market, with young teen heroes battling against the odds to put on a show and try to save their community hangout. The rather tired story is occasionally enlivened by a couple of good gags and daydream-set dance sequences, and undemanding kids may enjoy seeing their environment, at least, reflected on screen. But the characters are thin and the scale so modest this feels less like a movie than it does a cut-up of CiTV and Britain’s Got Talent.
All Stars Review

With their community centre threatened with closure, two kids conjure up a plan to keep the wolves from the door: a dance show.
Release Date:
03 May 2013
Running Time:
106 minutes
Original Title:
All Stars
Derivative but occasionally fun.
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