Two-and-a-half hours of Hollywood religion directed by the respectable but often dull Henry King might make you ask why the devil gets all the best films, but this 1943 account of the alleged miracles at Lourdes has surprisingly affecting stretches of quality acting, though it's better on the suffering than the uplift. Jennifer Jones is the peasant girl who has visions of the Virgin Mary, and performs a minor miracle herself by making the part playable. And things are also helped by excellent support from Gladys Cooper as a nasty nun and Vincent Price as a cynical prosecutor.
The Song Of Bernadette Review

A young girls sees a vision of lovely lady in unlikely place. She claims only this. But others assume it is the Virgin Mary. The Church disowns this "miracle" but she she gains a following and changes the town.
Release Date:
01 Jan 2001
Running Time:
156 minutes
Original Title:
Song Of Bernadette, The
The minor miracle is it manages to hold your interest
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