While to you or I ‘spirit photography’ may look like little more than a bunch of snaps taken on a pub crawl, to believers it’s the manifestation of a ghostly form on a photo print. Which sets the premise for yet another remake of an Japanese-type horror movie (actually Thai), in which a newlywed couple, Dawson’s Creek’s Joshua Jackson and blonde-from-Transformers Rachel Taylor, combine their honeymoon with a work trip to Tokyo and hit a small Japanese woman with their car. That’s when the hauntings begin, their wedding and holiday pics ruined by mysterious and ghostly forms. Oooooo. Only our groom may know more about the recently departed than he’s letting on. Interested? Don’t be. It’s workmanlike at best; derivative, predictable and slightly dull at worst.
Shutter Review

A newly married couple discovers disturbing, ghostly images in photographs they develop after a tragic accident. Fearing the manifestations may be connected, they investigate and learn that some mysteries are better left unsolved.
Release Date:
16 May 2008
Running Time:
85 minutes
Original Title:
Workmanlike at best; derivative, predictable and slightly dull at worst.
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