Despite mauling the motor industry in Who Killed The Electric Car? (2006), this entertaining, Tim Robbins-narrated sequel gives both corporates and mavericks an easier ride, as director Chris Paine focuses more on personalities than the pressing eco-industrial issues.
Revenge Of The Electric Car Review
Filmmaker Chris Paine follows up his 2007 documentary Who Killed the Electric Car? with another examination of the high-tension world of the automotive industry. The question remains the same: who - or what - is preventing the development of a mass-produced electric car?
Release Date:
20 Jul 2012
Running Time:
90 minutes
Original Title:
Revenge Of The Electric Car
There were high hopes of a warts-and-all follow-up to Paine's first film exposing the big guns of automotive, but it hasn't materialised. The director's treatment is cosmetic and uninvolving.
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