Trufans who feel the Resident Evil films diverge too far from the game franchise will be pleased that this Japanese CGI ’toon reproduces (albeit in slightly upgraded form) the graphics and follows continuity, taking the hero and heroine from Resident Evil 2 (the biggest seller) and its plot premise from Resident Evil 4. Newcomers, however, won’t care, and should probably not start here. The first act has an airport overrun by zombies (yawn), but the big action is set in a hi-tech office building where anime-look babes and floppy-haired guys blast away at a huge-eyeballed mutant while the décor collapses, and a conspiracy of unethical corporations, mad science and a terrorist nation is uncovered.
Resident Evil: Degeneration Review

Japanese CGI continuation on the game/ movie franchise taking the plot from the films, whilst reproducing graphics from the game.
Release Date:
19 Dec 2008
Running Time:
97 minutes
Original Title:
Resident Evil: Degeneration
Die-hard fans may enjoy this, but newcomers, however, wont care, and should probably not start here.
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