Pledge This! Review

Pledge This!
Rich bitch sorority house president Victoria English finds out she's going to on teh front cover of FHM with her sorority sisters and decides to get hold of some more diverse pledges for show.

by William Thomas |
Published on
Release Date:

14 Sep 2006

Running Time:

91 minutes



Original Title:

Pledge This!

It’s at times like this that we sorely feel the lack of a no-star rating. Starring Paris Hilton as a sorority leader who has to turn a bunch of unlikely freshmen into vapid airhead sluts (or something) this film is an offence to cinema and everyone who watches it. They give Hilton herself a voiceover for god’s sake!

The attempts at humour are grotesque without ever being funny, and the moral, if we can call it that without throwing up, is that life’s better when you’re Paris Hilton, or someone like her. Not even worth checking out to see how bad it is.

So bad it's not even funny. What did we expect from a Paris Hilton vehicle.
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