Conceived in a traffic jam, Charlie Dunlap (Josh Charles) grows up idolising radio travel reporter Alan Davenport (John Goodman), with an unhealthy fascination for freeways. This means Charlie is tops on traffic jams but a loser with the ladies (Are you looking at my breasts? No, Im looking at the interstate.) The bizarre setup (unlike the roads featured in this movie) doesn't go anywhere in particular, and the comedy feels redundant due to the lack of a decent story. This quirky romantic comedy picks up pace with Goodmans delayed appearance but ultimately fails to get out of first gear.
Pie in the Sky Review
A whimsical saga of a young man whose two life-consuming passions are unraveling traffic gridlock and an avant garde dancer.
Release Date:
01 Jan 1996
Running Time:
95 minutes
Original Title:
Pie in the Sky
Directionless and trite.
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