Peaches Review

Frank (Rhys) is fresh out of college and wants to enjoy one last carefree summer, just watching the girls - the peaches - go by and keep on going unfortunately.

by John MacKenzie |
Published on
Release Date:

12 Oct 2001

Running Time:

83 minutes



Original Title:


Frank (Rhys) is fresh out of college and wants to enjoy one last carefree summer, just watching the girls - the peaches - go by and keep on going unfortunately. Frank's mates Pete and Johnny appear to act just like him, but actually they're edging towards steady jobs and relationships.

Odd that this nicely-observed, London-based lads comedy was shot in Dublin, but despite the success of his stage play Peaches, writer-director Nick Grosso found money in short supply for the screen adaptation and so had to shift to Ireland.

There's an engaging ring to Grosso's likeable characters, and while the film may be slightly theatrical, it is funny and without one mention of footie.

There's an engaging ring to Grosso's likeable characters, and while the film may be slightly theatrical, it is funny and without one mention of footie.

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